Sunday, September 19, 2010


Before anyone comments... the neon background is something I quickly threw in there as a starting point - it needs to be 'toned' down a bit!  Feedback welcome.

the background is gone...but not forgotten!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Scotty Photos

New Scottish Terrier Blog

After a brief meeting today, a group of past and new members of the NZ Scottish Terrier Club suggested a website as a useful tool for sharing news and information about Scottish Terriers in New Zealand. 

So this blog was born. 

A blog is probably the quickest and easiest way to share news, views and other information that is easily accessible.  While I will 'host' and moderate the blog, anyone can add comments with links to other useful Scotty stuff or you can send it through to me and I will add it to the blog.

Any ideas, helpful hints, suggestions, feedback will be gratefully accepted.